I was called to come over to my guitar player's house for a little "extra practice" before our next gig. When I arrived, the only ones there were Nick, the guitarist, and Jeff, the drummer. I knew right then and there that something was up. Anyway, they sat me down and fired me. Oh, I got the "it's not personal, and we still want to be your friend" speech, but it still sucked. ALOT.
Lets see.. this was prolly about 2006, I guess. Anyway, about three or four months after I was cut from the band, I started getting anonymous e mails on Hi5 or some such place. That wound into Yahoo Messenger, some guy named "Tim" who had seen me play with the band, and thought I was sexy.. yada yada yada.. ok.. you guys have seen me.. I'm short and round.... not too sexy.. anyhow, come to find out, (after about I dunno... three weeks or so of this) that it was my old friend and drummer, Jeff. And he basically begged me to go to bed with him.
HELLO!!! I know your WIFE!! Am friends with her, and like and respect her. ALOT!! So obviously, I declined the proposition. OH, and PS... I didn't wanna hurt his feelings and tell him that while I think he's a good guy, (not anymore, since this episode), I'm just not attracted to him. Something about the jowels, maybe.. ok.. that was catty.. sorry... So, fast forward to now. I'm happy. I'm married to the love of my life. I live in Minne-freakin-sota. Suddenly, a few days ago, he just pops up on my Yahoo Messenger, for no reason. I hadn't talked to him for MONTHS before I left Texas, and now he's on my YM again. "What does he want?" you ask? The same old shit! He started out with "Why did you turn me down" and went from there.... In the same sentance telling me that he and his wife are doing very well, and that he wishes we had fucked, and would still love to.....
WTF????????????????? Did he not get the "I'm happily married" part? And if HE is so happily married, and things are great between him and Kathy, why in hell is he coming at me with this shit AGAIN??? OK.. I'm confused as hell. He also told me, point blank that he would fuck a couple of my friends if only the opprotunity arose. But yet, he's happily married. Someone explain this to me! Oh.. and I asked him, "What makes you so sure that I won't go to Kathy with all of this"... his answer was "I trust you." I WONT go to Kathy, because I love her and don't want to hurt her, but at the same time, I think she needs to know what a fuckhead she's married to. I just don't want to be a homewrecker. I even saved e mails and YM messages, but I dont have the nerve to use them. What do ya'll think? This shit is FUKKED UP!
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