Yesterday was my Mom's 58th Birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOMMY! I LOVE YOU. Dennis and I sent her a dozen of her favorite flowers. It startled the crap out of her. I was amused. I love my Mom. I miss her alot. Well, kinda.. we talk on the phone several times a week.... But I miss just hanging out with her. She truly is the best Mom in the world!
And speaking of my beloved..... he almost died yesterday.. cuz I almost had to kill him. GRIN. BIG EVIL GRIN... lol... The other day, whilst out and about purchasing a MagicJack and such, we also purchased a router, so that we didn't have to take turns on the internet anymore. He can now be on his laptop and me on my desktop, and be the happy little internetting couple that we are... Anyhow... I had never set up a wireless network before, and needless to say, despite following the instructions to the T, I couldn't get the damn thing to work.
So I wound up on the phone with Tech Support form NetGear, which is the brand of router that we bought. Between my hapless bumbling and being on the phone with NetGear, I spent two and a half hours on this project before it was finished, and we were all online and happy.
Yesterday, I had to work from six am till two pm. About noonish, Dennis called me for help. My wonderful darling had started out to fix the tangle of wires and cords by my desk, because he knows that it annoys the shit out of me.
So what did he do? Unplug every fucking thing. Then, of course, after plugging everything back in, the wireless network didn't work, so there he was, calling ME for help.... I still have no idea exactly what transpired on the phone the day before... I was following directions from someone in India who barely spoke english.... OMG.. I thought I was gonna have to beat him with his prostethic leg.... no kidding. But, thankfully, by the time I got home, he had everything (except the tangled cords) all worked out. Bless him. I love that man!
So hows this for irritating? When I got to yesterday morning, I was already behind because the wonderful people who work with me in the Pizza Department, decided that since our Pizza boss has been off since Wednesday afternoon, they didn't have to do a freaking thing. So I had a list of stuff as long as my arm to accomplish BEFORE I could even attempt to make any breakfast items, and people standing there tapping their feet waiting for breakfast items three minutes after the store opened.
I don't underdstand, STILL, why in the hell people take a job, if they don't want to do it. When they just screw around and don 't do their job, it makes it very difficult for the next guy coming in to operate with any kind of efficiency. Pray for me that I don't lose my patience and murder someone by shoving personal pan pizza dough up their noses and retrieving it through their rear-ends. I am just about ready to blow a gasket with these two idiots. Useless as tits on a boar hog, as my Nanaw would say. Ok... steam blown off. Feel better.. !
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