Today is March 31, and as I look out my window it's snowing to beat the band. The Weather Channel calles it "Blizzard Conditions." Looking out my window, it looks like a snow globe thats been shaken up. I wound up having to go into town, in this mess. I was thankful to have been off, but then, of course, somebody needed something from the store, so off I went. My stepson's girlfriend and I braved the snowdrifts and the wind to drive to the store.... But first, we had to clean off th

e car. After getting the car free of snow, we SLOWLY drove into town and to the store where I work. I was elected to go into the store since it was MY husband that needed something, so when I came out, Jessy was waiting for me patiently in the car. Then, as we were driving home, I decided to take a few pictures of the "blizzard" on Main Avenue.

This one is one of our local law enforcement officers, Tyler in his police cruiser, durango... Running away from the scene of the crime I assume..LOL. Anyhow.. notice how the pictures are all dark and gloomy looking? All these photos were taken between noon and 1 p.m. today. Crazy huh! After we re

turned home, I decided to go play in the snow and take a few more pictures. I really wanted whoever saw the pic's to have an understanding of exactly how deep the snow was, so I took this photo of my legs in the snow. Now, I'm only five foot three and one half inches, but still... snow to my knees is pretty deep, especially when you stop to think that yesterday, where I am standing was a grassy field.... We had upwards of six feet of snow on the ground for most of the last two months, and finally, it had started to diminish. We had several days last week where it was up in the 40's and 50's and the snow has started melting off. For the first time since arriving in Minnesota, I could

see grass on the ground and now we are back to snow snow everywhere! I took this pic of snow gracing the branches of this evergreen because I just thought it was pretty... but I've been looking at it all winter and I'm just ready for the snow to go away. I talk to my family and friends back in Texas regularly and Every day, I am informed how it's warm and nice there. My Mom even told me today that she was sitting outside on the front porch enjoying the breeze. Kinda cool, but she didn't even need her jacket. Sigh.. believe it or not, I miss Texas weather. I dunno why... One last picture for my pict-o-journal today.... This really cool barn across the road from our driveway... I really thought it looked neat.. although a little forlorn, in the storm. Tell me what ya'll think!

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