Nothing exciting happened today. I went and collected my check then went into DL to the Wal Mart. I bought a few picture frames. (Lets face it... I take ALOT of pictures) I also bought some lightbulbs.. excitement abounds. I paid the light bill. I'm broke. The Otter Tail Power Company is happy, though. Wanna see more pictures?Well, do ya do ya do ya! I sure hope so, cuz I'm postin' em. LOL! This is a picture of the cake my friends got me before I left. They were determined that I wasn't really going to Minnesota. I think it's cute. They got it from HEB on 19th street in Waco. What great friends I have! The cake was good, too! I wish I had eaten more of it..LOL. So, lets see, what other pictures can I show you, as I stroll down Memory lane...
Oh, here's a good one. This is a group of us hanging out at Trisha's place the Saturday before I left Texas. Left to right, it's Steve, Me, Dan'l, Trish, and Teresa. Aint we a fun lookin bunch! Trisha's wearing my Whataburger shirt. It was her sad attempt to get back at me after I stole her Sesame Street shirt. I still have to send that one back to her, but it's looking like it just may have to come with me when we travel to Texas at the end of May. I wanted to get drunk this night, but it just didn't happen. Oh well. We had a blast anyway. Trisha is a fairly good cook, and I'm here to tell ya, we ate our fool heads off. These are the geniuses who bought me that yummy cake above. I cried about that cake! They were so sweet to me that day. We just spent the day hanging out, telling stories, laughing and cutting up. Having a good time, really. I told everyone that they were not allowed to cry. Period. Guess who wound up breaking the rule. ME! Around the end of the evening, I just lost it. No reason, really except that I love these folks here, and I was gonna miss 'em. Hell, I do miss 'em. Lots! They're good kids! LOL. SO this next picture is the sun coming up over Dallas, as my
plane took off on November 18th. Approx. 6:45 a.m. I thought it was purty. I suppose that's gonna be all the pictures for today, gang. I'll prolly post again tomorrow night. Don't have to much fun! Ya'll be good!
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