My friend "Jeanne" that I work with, and I were having a conversation this morning, and Barak Obama came up. I told her the same thing I tell everyone who asks me. I don't care that he is a black man. The color of his skin says nothing of a man's ability to lead a country, or anything else for that matter. The problem that I have is that Obama is muslim.
Alot of people will contradict this statement, and if you don't happen to believe that he's a muslim, thats your business. But I wonder, why would a man who was purportedly born in this country and is NOT a muslim have such a problem producing an authentic birth certificate....
Anyhow, like I said, my problem is that Obama is a muslim, and I don't believe that we have any business having a muslim in office when we are at war with a muslim country... so there's that...
Anyway, so we were discussing Obama, and Jeanne points out that if you watch him during a speech, he never looks at the camera. He will turn his head to the left, and turn his head to the right, but he never looks forward. He also never shows any emotion at all, and speaks in a monotone voice. It's all very "robot like." These are her observations. I didn't vote for him, so I rarely pay that close of attention to him. So then she asks if I want to hear her theroy. Sure, I say, why not? It's six blinkin' thirty in the morning, and I can listen while I roll up breakfast burritos... Lay it on me. So here's the real deal, according to my co-worker......
Apparently, back when the aliens crashed at Roswell, the United States Government recovered alien technology enabling them to produce computer chips. These computer chips were manufactured for the specific purpose of mind control. Evidentially, they are inserted into the brain of the subject, and then you can control the subject to do your bidding. Stay with me kids, I'm not making this up. I was actually told this....
So, the big cover-up at Waco, with the whole Branch Davidian thing had to do with these mind chips. David Koresh, before amassing a cult, spent a large amount of time in Isreal, and with the Moussad. Without his knowledge, the Moussad inserted one of these chips into Koresh's brain. I never was clear on how the technology got from the US Government to Isreal. Anyhow, with this chip, they made Koresh believe he was God. He built the Branch Davidian Compound at Waco to mass produce these chips on American soil, with the cult acting as a front. The reason that the seige went on for 51 days was so that Koresh's people could get rid of the computers and equipment they were using to produce the chips.
Fast forward to present day....Somehow, the Moussad have managed to once again, without the subject's knowledge, implant a mind control chip. The new subject? The very "robot like" Barak Obama, and they are using him to run the United States. So, space aliens, David Koresh, and Barak Obama... all connected...
Feedback? I dunno.. To me it sounds more like a great episode of the X Files...
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