Early in my Wal Mart career, I used to leave my department, to stroll across the store, and hang out with my buddy Greg. We would take our time, cruising around the store, pretending to shop, and basically just ignoring the hell out of our jobs. It's a wonder I didn't get fired. However, as I've gotten older, I've grown up. I would never pull a stunt like that now. I just don't have the lack of work ethic I used to.
Recently, I worked with a 17 year old young lady, who felt the need to just have friends call in and say "She just isn't coming in to work today, get over it." Even when she did come to work, getting her do actually do anything was another struggle altogether. She is a prime example of a teen who wants a paycheck, but doesn't feel that she needs to work for that paycheck.
But, like I said, teens are not the only ones who lack any kind of work ethic, or even common sense, these days. I work with a lady I will call "Bev." Bev must be in her late fifties or early sixties, easy. From what I understand, when she first came to our little store, she was one hell of a worker. Now, apparently, all she is interested in is gossiping and smoking cigarettes. Another co-worker told me that Bev has made the statement to her several times that "You can tell how clean a person's home is by how they keep their work space." If that's the case, she must live in the city dump. Apparently, the broom and mop are foreign critters to this lady.
Today, I reported for work, and there was a plumbing crew working in our kitchen. The access point in the ceiling is right above our sink station. The dust and mess on the floor from the crew was atrocious, and I mentioned it to "Sherry," my boss. She was quick to tell me that the floor was a sore point with her. Apparently, the work crew had been in the store yesterday as well,( I was off yesterday, and missed this) and left the floor in much the same manner. Bev closed last night, and didn't bother to even sweep up the mess, much less mop. Didn't even attempt to walk t'ward the broom.
I'm sorry, but when you work in the food and service industry, cleanliness is of the utmost importance. You can't just leave the floor looking like a warzone. You cant. You HAVE to keep a clean kitchen, and that includes the floor. Not only to deter rodents and creatures, but for saftey issues as well.
How can a grown ass fifty or sixty something woman just not take care of something like that? It baffles me.
Thats just the latest thing. I don't understand how she can work a full seven or eight hour shift and not get everything done. It's not that difficult. Make pizzas, and assorted yummies, keep the dishes clean, keep the kitchen clean, keep up with the paperwork, and stock the things you're gonna need for the next day. If you empty a container, wash it and refill it. If you empty a box, take it to the box dumpster.
I can usually goof off at least two to three hours a night and STILL get everything done. This lady tells me she's so busy, she just doesn't have time. Busy doing what? To read her paperwork, she didn't make that many pizzas. To look in the vault, she didn't bring in anything for tomorrow. To look into the makeline, she didn't fill the pizza toppings, and usually leaves you with little to no cheese or sauce. What in the hell is this woman doing? Why in the hell is her behavior being tolerated? How can she sleep at night knowing that she's taking money and not doing the job she signed on for? Does she not know that's considered theft?
The only other crew member we have in our department is a guy named "Ronnie." The only thing I can say about Ronnie is he's in his early 20's and is a combination of the lazy teen, and Bev. I.E. useless as tits on a boar hog. It scares the hell out of me that I am the most responsible crew member in our little pizza shop.
Modern day work ethic...... laughing my ass off, because no one seems to have any work ethic, except for me and the boss... That, my friends, is a sad and sorry statement, yet totally true.
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