You can visit the link above to read the article in it's entirety, but this is the part that seems to most strongly support Jeanne's theory...
Many have said that Mt. Carmel was some sort of intelligence front. For instance, the minister of a rival Davidian church in Waco told me that Koresh had worked for the CIA and the church housed a biowarfare factory. This view was also promoted by Patriot leader Linda Thompson, who in a Penthouseinterview, alleged it was a CIA facility, and that the ATF raid was orchestrated by the FBI, acting in alliance with Israel's Mossad, to shut it down.
Another variation of this theory comes from the late attorney Paul Wilcher, who died mysteriously after writing a report to Attorney General Janet Reno which described Mt. Carmel as a mind control facility. Koresh and his inner circle, Wilcher claimed, were programmed "sleeper" agents, or "Manchurian Candidates," who had been programmed to carry out a terrorist act with biological weaponry (as was later performed in Japan by the Aum Shiro cult, when it released deadly sarin gas in a Tokyo subway). However, Koresh and the other sleepers "woke up" from their programming and went rogue. This necessited shutting down the Mt. Carmel facility.
And yet, there is no evidence that biological warfare agents were ever manufactured at Waco. The only dangerous chemical known to have been manufactured at Mt. Carmel was, according to surviving Branch Davidians, methamphetamine. This had been done under George Roden, the leader of the Davidians prior to Koresh. (Later, the ATF alleged there was a speed lab at Mt. Carmel. This, along with the charge of child molestation, was a pretext for the February 28 raid--curious, since both speed and child molestation are outside that agency's jurisdiction.)
Roden left Mt. Carmel after a power struggle with Koresh in the late 1980s, and, until his recent death, was confined to a mental institution in Big Spring, Texas. On at least two occasions he escaped this facility, and once managed to travel all the way to the Israeli embassy in New York. He claimed some sort of connection with the Israeli government.
Could Mt. Carmel have been a Mossad facility? The Davidian flag, which fell into the flames on April 19, did bear the Star of David. Also, some in the conspiracy reseacher community believe there is a link between the Branch Davidians and Jewish Mob boss Abraham Davidian who was shot dead in the late 1940s. Israel did figure prominently in Koresh's life. It was while on a trip to Israel in the 1980s that he received a "vision" which began his career as spiritual leader. He went to Israel under the name Vernon Howell; he came back with the name David Koresh. The book Why Waco?reports that Koresh continued to receive visions after returning to the U.S.; the inspiration for a sermons always originated as a picture beamed into his head.
This is reminiscent of the visions experienced by late science fiction author Philip K. Dick, who claimed that Gnostic imagery was being beamed into his head by an external entity. Perhaps Dick's and Koresh's "visions" originated from God, perhaps from extraterrestrials, perhaps from their own minds, or perhaps they were delivered by microwave. Dick might have been a mind control victim. Koresh might have been one too. The technology certain exists; it has not been for nothing that, over the years, billions of black budget dollars have been poured into what the Pentagon calls "non-lethal weaponry."
Bizzare! Feedback? Still reminds me of the X Files...
Computer chips in the brain hu??;-) I think you are in need of warm weather (wink) I completly agree with you about people and work ethic.. but have noticed an improvement or should I say better (different) employees since the economy has started struggling.
ReplyDeleteSo glad you stopped by. Just wanted to say thanks for the visit and the wonderful compliments.Stay warm. take your friend out for something warm to drink, before she ends up with a chip in her brain as